do sm(all) things with purpose

doing sm(all) things with purpose is a founding principle of society verde. you know we ❤️ big things (like when we entered the scene by launching a group trip to cuba basically the second the border opened to americans, and helped introduce yoga to belgian breweries!) but what makes us society verde is that we recognize the quiet power of all the small moments between.

those are the moments we use to restore, to strengthen our foundation, and to architect the blueprints that become the bridges we construct together when we explore other lands with respect and responsibility. 

doing sm(all) things with purpose is an inclusive practice that embodies our spirit of mindful living and our values of connection, discovery, and sustainability. 

we share this philosophy as an invitation to not discredit the things that seem menial, tedious, or boring. in a practice of mindful inclusivity, all things are meaningful. and completing each - no matter how small - with purpose makes the final product or wrapped-up project that much sweeter. we know this for fact, and if you’ve traveled with us, you may know as well. 🙂

where might we see each other next in the world? subscribe to be first to know when new society verde trips launch. 


how to get a good night's sleep (anywhere in the world)


take this $0 thing on all your travels.